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Fairland (MD)

This city has 2 area codes

Fairland, Maryland, is an unincorporated community located in Montgomery County, situated just north of Silver Spring. This area has a rich history dating back to the 18th century, originally established as farmland. The community evolved in the mid-20th century, transitioning into a suburban environment as Washington, D.C., expanded.

Geographically, Fairland is characterized by its proximity to major thoroughfares, including Route 29, which enhances accessibility to neighboring cities and metropolitan areas. The local population has grown significantly, reflecting the trend of suburbanization in the Washington metropolitan region.

Fairland’s telecommunications infrastructure consists of a variety of services, including high-speed internet options provided by multiple service providers. The area benefits from both fiber-optic and cable networks, promoting connectivity for residents and businesses alike. Given its strategic location, Fairland serves as a pivotal hub for tech-savvy residents who rely on robust telecommunications for work, education, and entertainment.

Notably, Fairland’s blend of residential neighborhoods and commercial properties contributes to a dynamic community atmosphere. The presence of parks and community facilities enhances the quality of life and fosters engagement among residents. With ongoing developments in both telecommunications and infrastructure, Fairland reflects the broader trends of urban growth and technological advancement in the region, positioning itself as an integral part of Montgomery County’s evolving landscape.

Fairland (MD) Listing Area Codes:

Aspen Hill (MD)

Bowie (MD)

Chillum (MD)

Clinton (MD)

College Park (MD)

Cumberland (MD)

Fairland (MD)

Fort Washington (MD)

Frederick (MD)

Gaithersburg (MD)

Germantown (MD)

Greenbelt (MD)

Hagerstown (MD)

Landover (MD)

Montgomery Village (MD)

North Bethesda (MD)

North Potomac (MD)

Olney (MD)

Potomac (MD)

Rockville (MD)

Saint Charles (MD)

Silver Spring (MD)

South Laurel (MD)

Suitland (MD)

Waldorf (MD)

White Oak (MD)

Aspen Hill (MD)

Bowie (MD)

Chillum (MD)

Clinton (MD)

College Park (MD)

Cumberland (MD)

Fairland (MD)

Fort Washington (MD)

Frederick (MD)

Gaithersburg (MD)

Germantown (MD)

Greenbelt (MD)

Hagerstown (MD)

Landover (MD)

Montgomery Village (MD)

North Bethesda (MD)

North Potomac (MD)

Olney (MD)

Potomac (MD)

Rockville (MD)

Saint Charles (MD)

Silver Spring (MD)

South Laurel (MD)

Suitland (MD)

Waldorf (MD)

White Oak (MD)

Fairland (MD) Area Codes:
  • What is the Fairland (MD)'s Area Code?

    Fairland (MD) has 2 area codes (240, 301). These area codes are split between cities or states, so if you want to call to Fairland (MD), you need to know exactly where you would like to call.

  • How to call Fairland (MD) from another state in the U.S?

    Calling Fairland (MD) from another state in the United States is considered a long-distance call. Here’s how to make the call: First, dial the area code for Fairland (MD). Each state, and sometimes specific cities within a state, has unique area codes. Then, enter the 7-digit phone number of the person or business you’re trying to reach. If you’re calling from a landline, check with your provider, as long-distance charges may apply. However, most mobile carriers in the U.S. offer nationwide calling without additional fees. Alternatively, you can use VoIP or internet-based calling apps, like Skype, Zoom, or WhatsApp, to bypass traditional long-distance charges. The number you want to reach should look like this: 1-(AreaCode)-111-2222.

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