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McMinnville (OR)

This city has 2 area codes

McMinnville, located in Yamhill County, Oregon, serves as a focal point for the surrounding agricultural community. Founded in 1856, the city's historical roots trace back to its early settlement by a group of pioneers attracted by the rich farmland and favorable climate. The name "McMinnville" honors the town's founder, Joseph McMinn, and reflects the area's commitment to agriculture, particularly in wine production.

The city has a population of approximately 34,000 residents and functions as a hub for local commerce and industry. McMinnville is home to the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum, which showcases the region's aerospace history, including the famous Spruce Goose aircraft.

Telecommunications in McMinnville have evolved significantly over the years. The advent of broadband internet access has enabled residents and businesses to benefit from connectivity that supports both economic development and remote work. Major telecommunications providers in the area offer a range of services, including fiber-optic connections, enhancing the city's technological infrastructure.

McMinnville also hosts the annual International Pinot Noir Celebration, attracting attention to the region's wine industry and contributing to growth in both tourism and local businesses. As the city continues to develop, it remains firmly rooted in its agricultural heritage while embracing modern advancements in technology and connectivity.

McMinnville (OR) Listing Area Codes:

Aloha (OR)

Beaverton (OR)

Gresham (OR)

Hillsboro (OR)

Keizer (OR)

Lake Oswego (OR)

McMinnville (OR)

Milwaukie (OR)

Oregon City (OR)

Portland (OR)

Salem (OR)

Tigard (OR)

Tualatin (OR)

West Linn (OR)

Woodburn (OR)

Aloha (OR)

Beaverton (OR)

Gresham (OR)

Hillsboro (OR)

Keizer (OR)

Lake Oswego (OR)

McMinnville (OR)

Milwaukie (OR)

Oregon City (OR)

Portland (OR)

Salem (OR)

Tigard (OR)

Tualatin (OR)

West Linn (OR)

Woodburn (OR)

McMinnville (OR) Area Codes:
  • What is the McMinnville (OR)'s Area Code?

    McMinnville (OR) has 2 area codes (503, 971). These area codes are split between cities or states, so if you want to call to McMinnville (OR), you need to know exactly where you would like to call.

  • How to call McMinnville (OR) from another state in the U.S?

    Calling McMinnville (OR) from another state in the United States is considered a long-distance call. Here’s how to make the call: First, dial the area code for McMinnville (OR). Each state, and sometimes specific cities within a state, has unique area codes. Then, enter the 7-digit phone number of the person or business you’re trying to reach. If you’re calling from a landline, check with your provider, as long-distance charges may apply. However, most mobile carriers in the U.S. offer nationwide calling without additional fees. Alternatively, you can use VoIP or internet-based calling apps, like Skype, Zoom, or WhatsApp, to bypass traditional long-distance charges. The number you want to reach should look like this: 1-(AreaCode)-111-2222.

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