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Middle River (MD)

This city has 3 area codes

Middle River, located in Baltimore County, Maryland, is an unincorporated community known for its unique blend of residential neighborhoods and vibrant industrial sectors. Established around the 19th century, Middle River grew significantly due to its proximity to the Chesapeake Bay and the development of the local shipbuilding industry during World War II, particularly with the emergence of the Martin Marietta plant, later known as Lockheed Martin. This facility contributed substantially to the region's economy and infrastructure.

The area features a mix of suburban homes and commercial enterprises, with a strong emphasis on telecommunications and aerospace technologies. The presence of major companies like Northrop Grumman and the historic Martin's Aircraft adds to the technological significance of Middle River. As a result, the community benefits from robust telecommunications infrastructure that supports both commercial operations and everyday connectivity for its residents.

Middle River's geographic position along the Middle River and its access to major roadways enhance its connectivity to nearby Baltimore and surrounding areas. The community has experienced growth in digital services, public Wi-Fi initiatives, and enhanced broadband capabilities, addressing the increasing demand for efficient communication systems. Middle River's combination of historical industrial roots and modern technological advancements marks its unique position within Maryland's landscape.

Middle River (MD) Listing Area Codes:

Arbutus (MD)

Arnold (MD)

Annapolis (MD)

Baltimore (MD)

Bel Air North (MD)

Bel Air South (MD)

Carney (MD)

Catonsville (MD)

Columbia (MD)

Crofton (MD)

Dundalk (MD)

Edgewood (MD)

Eldersburg (MD)

Ellicott City (MD)

Essex (MD)

Glen Burnie (MD)

Lochearn (MD)

Middle River (MD)

Milford Mill (MD)

Odenton (MD)

Parkville (MD)

Perry Hall (MD)

Pikesville (MD)

Randallstown (MD)

Reisterstown (MD)

Salisbury (MD)

Severn (MD)

Severna Park (MD)

South Gate (MD)

Towson (MD)

West Elkridge (MD)

Arbutus (MD)

Arnold (MD)

Annapolis (MD)

Baltimore (MD)

Bel Air North (MD)

Bel Air South (MD)

Carney (MD)

Catonsville (MD)

Columbia (MD)

Crofton (MD)

Dundalk (MD)

Edgewood (MD)

Eldersburg (MD)

Ellicott City (MD)

Essex (MD)

Glen Burnie (MD)

Lochearn (MD)

Middle River (MD)

Milford Mill (MD)

Odenton (MD)

Parkville (MD)

Perry Hall (MD)

Pikesville (MD)

Randallstown (MD)

Reisterstown (MD)

Salisbury (MD)

Severn (MD)

Severna Park (MD)

South Gate (MD)

Towson (MD)

West Elkridge (MD)

Arbutus (MD)

Arnold (MD)

Annapolis (MD)

Baltimore (MD)

Bel Air North (MD)

Bel Air South (MD)

Carney (MD)

Catonsville (MD)

Columbia (MD)

Crofton (MD)

Dundalk (MD)

Edgewood (MD)

Eldersburg (MD)

Ellicott City (MD)

Essex (MD)

Glen Burnie (MD)

Lochearn (MD)

Middle River (MD)

Milford Mill (MD)

Odenton (MD)

Parkville (MD)

Perry Hall (MD)

Pikesville (MD)

Randallstown (MD)

Reisterstown (MD)

Salisbury (MD)

Severn (MD)

Severna Park (MD)

South Gate (MD)

Towson (MD)

West Elkridge (MD)

Middle River (MD) Area Codes:
  • What is the Middle River (MD)'s Area Code?

    Middle River (MD) has 3 area codes (410, 443, 667). These area codes are split between cities or states, so if you want to call to Middle River (MD), you need to know exactly where you would like to call.

  • How to call Middle River (MD) from another state in the U.S?

    Calling Middle River (MD) from another state in the United States is considered a long-distance call. Here’s how to make the call: First, dial the area code for Middle River (MD). Each state, and sometimes specific cities within a state, has unique area codes. Then, enter the 7-digit phone number of the person or business you’re trying to reach. If you’re calling from a landline, check with your provider, as long-distance charges may apply. However, most mobile carriers in the U.S. offer nationwide calling without additional fees. Alternatively, you can use VoIP or internet-based calling apps, like Skype, Zoom, or WhatsApp, to bypass traditional long-distance charges. The number you want to reach should look like this: 1-(AreaCode)-111-2222.

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